Home Decor

36 Painting Revelations for Your Home

Social isolation, a consequence of the new coronavirus pandemic, has led thousands of people to transform their homes. Because their routines have been modified, many Brazilians have had to adapt their homes to work from home, children to study and ha0ve a space to watch classes online.

With this new adaptation, interest in renovating and transforming small details of the house was awakened. People began to have the desire to move the furniture, transforming a guest room, for example, into a new office.

As a result, paintings on the walls were one of the things that people did and continue to do during this period. Simple and accessible, painting the rooms of the house has been a therapeutic exercise for Brazilian families. Innovating the home and transforming the rooms is a great option to adapt to new routines, such as the home office.

If you also had this desire, but didn’t put it into practice because you had no idea how to make different and modern paintings, we’ve separated some types of paintings for you to get inspired. Check out!

1- Gray, Pink, and, White

In this beautiful double room, a geometric painting was made on the wall at the head of the bed. Paintings of this type are a creative option, easy to make and very economical. Double bedroom with wooden headboard and headboard wall with gray, pink and white geometric painting.

2. Gray Tones

It is possible to choose several shades of one color, and make the wall modern and charming. Geometric shapes have gained a lot of interest for decoration lately. Room with a geometric wall in gray tones, a wooden table with two white chairs and a wooden floor.

3. Light Colors

Another beautiful option of geometric painting on the headboard wall of the double bed. A good suggestion is to opt for light colors to make the combination. Double bedroom with headboard wall with geometric painting.

4. Bold Colors

If you love to give your kitchen a special touch with bold colors, painting the wall with geometric shapes and choosing some vibrant colors is an excellent suggestion. Kitchen with side wall with brightly colored geometric paint, white cabinets, brown benches and wooden floor.

5. Blue and White Half Wall Painting

This washbasin gained a special touch with the half wall painting technique. The choice of color matched the decor very well. Bathroom with blue and white half wall painting technique, wood cabinet, white tub and round mirror.

6. White and Gray Half Wall Painting 

Half wall paintings are very simple to be done and also very affordable. It is possible to do it at home without the help of a professional. Perfect, isn’t it? And it changes the whole environment in the house. Bedroom with double bed and wall with white and gray half wall painting technique, decorative frames and white porcelain floor.

7. Simple Decor 

Double bedroom with simple decoration and the main wall of the headboard is painted in two colors, using the half-wall technique. Bedroom with double bed and wall using half-wall painting technique, wooden floor and round corner table.

8. Bright Yellow

Organic paintings are creative and cool techniques. Its logic is very simple: mix paints, shapes and textures to have a result with fluid shapes. Bedroom with double bed, white wall painted with a large yellow circle, wooden floor and pendant lamp.

9. Organic Painting Inspiration

This is a great organic painting inspiration. The deconstructed shapes in subtle colors with the flower design in the center enhanced the apartment’s hall. Organic painted wall, the deconstructed shapes in subtle colors with the flower design in the center, highlighted the apartment’s hall.

10. Colorful Shapes

Very relaxed and cool, this wall painted with colorful shapes brought joy to the room. Wall painted with colorful shapes brought joy to the room.

11. Simple Geometric Painting

In this room with a simpler decoration, the geometric painting on the main wall of the room highlighted the environment. In this room with a simpler decoration, the geometric painting on the main wall of the room highlighted the environment.

12. Bold Living Room

It is possible to be bold in painting the wall of your living room. With light and light colors, the design harmonized with the decoration of the environment in this project. Living room with geometric painting in light and light colors, harmonizing with decor, sofa floor color and lamps.

13. Various Shades in Bathroom

Geometric shapes are also beautiful in the toilet and bathroom. You can choose a color and choose to make the design with various shades of it. It looks amazing! Bathroom with wall painted with geometric shapes in shades of blue.

14. Military Green

This kitchen project opted for white tiles on almost every wall, taking a piece of the wall and the ceiling painted military green. A great inspiration, isn’t it? Kitchen with half wall painting technique taking the green ceiling and the other half white tile.

15. Delicate Pink Decor

Beautiful living room with delicate pink decor. A shade of pink was chosen for half of the wall, and a neutral color for the other half, harmonizing with pink. Living room with pink half wall painting technique and another neutral color.

16. Organic Pink Headboard Wall

Also for lovers of pink color, this room used organic paint to highlight the decor, giving it a cool touch. Bedroom with organic pink headboard wall.

17. Style of the Resident

You can be bold in decorating by choosing designs on the entire wall. This room used the organic painting technique to get amazing results, in keeping with the style of the resident. An image containing inside, table, bedroom, bed Description automatically generated.

18. Simple and Minimalist Decor

With a simple and minimalist decoration, this project chose a half wall painting in black and white. Room with wall in black and white half wall painting technique.

19. Children’s room with organic paint

Organic paint is a great choice for children’s rooms, as they bring joy to the environment. In this project the wall contains a real work of art.

20. Brown, Blue, and, Pink

Another bedroom inspiration with organic paint. These colors together were a great choice, they lined up really well. Room with organic paint in brown, blue and pink

21. Clean Pink and White Division

The half-wall technique does not necessarily have to be a straight and aligned split either. In this room the division was very clean and was wonderful! Room with half-wall painting technique with a clean pink and white division.

22. Blue, Yellow, and, White

This living room painted the main wall with geometric shapes and the other walls in gray color. Amazing, isn’t it? Living room with main wall with geometric painting in blue, yellow and white and other gray walls

23. Pink and Yellow

Organic painting is highlighted in the decoration. Organic painting in pink and yellow.

24. Pinks, Golds, and, Blues

How about daring in your bathroom and doing a beautiful organic painting? Bathroom with organic painting on the walls in pinks, golds and blues

25. Various shades of gray

More neutral colors like gray are beautiful to make a gradient on the wall. Room with geometric painting in various shades of gray.

26. Delicate Pink and White

One more half wall painting inspiration for you. Super delicate and beautiful, isn’t it? Office with delicate pink and white half wall painting technique

27. Nature into your home

If you love to bring a little bit of nature into your home, this project is a great inspiration. Even being a shade of dark green, it didn’t leave the atmosphere charged. Kitchen with green and white half wall painting technique.

28. Colorful drawings on the wall

Children’s room used the technique of organic painting, with drawings on the wall, providing the environment with liveliness. Children’s room with organic painting, with colorful drawings on the wall, giving the ambience a liveliness.

29. Creative Painting

It is important to remember that one of the characteristics of organic painting is creativity. Dare on the drawings on the walls! Wall with organic paint combining green and yellow.

30. Green and White

A great tip is to always choose a color that you like if you are going to make half wall, and the other color opt for a neutral one, like white. Room with green and white half wall painting technique

31. Office Geometric Painting

With geometric shapes in the painting on the main wall, this office was designed with a very delicate decoration. Office with main wall with geometric painting in light tones harmonizing with decor

32. Peaceful Blue and White

The color blue is an excellent choice to use in painting your room. Color conveys peace, tranquility and familiarity. Room with half wall painting technique in blue and white

33. Shades of Blue

In this office, the color blue was also chosen. Some shades of color were chosen to highlight the painting. Office with geometric wall in shades of blue.

34. Colorful Geometric Designs on White Wall

Have you ever thought about drawing and painting different colored geometric shapes on your white wall? Room with wall with colorful geometric designs.

35. Separate Divisions

Don’t stick to the exact half wall, also opt for separate divisions. Room with gray and white half wall paint.

36. Neutral Colors with Potted Plants

Organic painting with neutral colors, harmonizing with the decoration of potted plants. A charm!

So, You can see how painting can give your home a creative and attractive look. Hope you will try these paints.