1. Color Range of the Table for Halloween
Halloween table décor should be black and orange. Orange gives a reference to the recently harvested crop (after all, autumn!), While black predictably refers to the dark forces. It will be great if the tablecloth is chosen in one of these colours – this is how the atmosphere will be set. In general, you want things that are solid colours, or at least without bright prints. However, this is an “adult” option. If you decide to organize a holiday for children, then you shouldn’t frighten them unnecessarily – refer to bright colours: orange, red, purple.

Or rather the heroine. The pumpkin should dominate not only dishes but also Halloween table decor. The orange beauty should be at the centre of the table. Cut a scary or funny face, and put a candle or an electric garland inside the fruit. If you have mini-pumpkins, then one will obviously not be enough for decoration: place them all over the table. As for the culinary use of this berry, it will make delicious cream soup, pie and even pasta.
3. Goblets with cobweb and black ribbons

How to decorate a table for Halloween is really scary? Recall all horror movies! Plucked fingers or eyes are all appropriate for only one day of the year, October 31st. You can “release” any disgusting living creatures on the table: spiders, snakes, mice. Of course, all this must be fake. If this is too extreme for you, here is an easy option for you: decorate the glasses with dark ribbons, entangle the dishes with cobwebs, or rather with gauze, which will act as a cobweb on Halloween.

The cheerful colours are clearly not for this occasion. Choose dishes in dark shades and, most importantly, without patterns, flowers or stripes. Among the plates, choose the most massive; glass goblets will do for drinking.
5. Menu for Halloween
We decorate the table for Halloween not only with decorative elements, but also with food, so the menu must be carefully thought out. And yes, this is a case where the form is more important than content. The autumn harvest should prevail on the table – pumpkin and apples. From the latter, excellent sweets are obtained – toffee, you can dip them in caramel or syrup. You can experiment with the type of cookies: prepare them in the form of severed fingers, snakes or spiders. The names of the dishes should also be thematic. Treat your guests to “Pogost” (cake with tombstones made of dough), a drink with severed heads (apple compote), “Intestine” (puff pastry pie with cherry jam). By the way, you can also call your “institution” somehow: for example, “Witch’s Kitchen”

Electric lighting is something you absolutely don’t need on Halloween. Candles will create the right atmosphere – ominous and mysterious. You can place them in candelabra or themed candlesticks. If you don’t like the complete rejection of electricity, do not ignore the candles anyway – just put them as decoration. For example, you can put them in a container of water, and put a few yellow-orange leaves next to them.
7. Ghost With Own Hands-on Halloween
To build, as in the photo, a do-it-yourself Halloween cast, you need a white cloth and a balloon, preferably helium. Wrap the material on it – you get the head of a ghost. Make eyes and a mouth out of black fabric, you can draw a face with regular black paint. Here is your mysterious guest!
8. Music for Halloween
The wrong soundtrack can negate all your Halloween table decor efforts. Give up radio and modern music this evening. Hits of rock and roll, funny holiday songs will perfectly fit into the atmosphere. The Internet is full of ready-made collections. In addition to music, a themed film can also frame the holiday. “Tales from the Crypt”, “Casper”, “Interview with the Vampire” – there are many options.

Let’s try to use unusual glasses for serving, black rings on napkins, old books, candles, as well as a skull placed at the head of the table. A black tablecloth will look great, it will help add a “zest” to the decoration of the serving.
10. Use Stuffed Birds and Insects
For serving, you can use stuffed crows or bats, and homemade spiders and cobwebs will also be appropriate for this event. The main rule here is to know when to stop, you should take into account how suspicious your guests are, nevertheless, these decorations may be inappropriate for the festive table. The entourage should be thematic and original, but not spoil the guests’ appetite.
11. Introducing Fresh Ideas: Owls
If you have been celebrating Halloween for several years now, then you probably want to make some new and original decor. Pumpkins, ghosts, witches – these traditional symbols of the holiday have already become pretty boring. Owl is another matter. These nocturnal birds are perfect for creating a mysterious atmosphere and will be able to emphasize the unusualness of the occasion to meet and party. Visit the decor stores and you will surely find owl-shaped candlesticks, owl-patterned napkins and more.
12. Bloody Fingerprints
Cloth napkins just “ask” to be stained in blood …To do this, you can stock up on ordinary paint on the fabric and just apply prints with your palms. Fingerprints, drops, drips – all this will look spectacular on snow-white tablecloths, and at the same time, it will be washed off in one wash!
13. Black Tablecloths
If you don’t want to “bother” with snow-white tablecloths and their “bloody decor”, choose classic black linens. Traces of accidentally spilt drinks will not be visible on them, and such “clothes for the table” always looks conceptually. And the legs of the table can be “revived” by putting on old black knee-highs and “grandfather’s” rubber boots.
14. Purchase Paraphernalia
Do not be lazy, and on the eve of All Saints Day, visit online shops or real toy stores that sell Halloween themed decor. This is a decorative web, as well as beetles, spiders, worms, artificial internal organs (yes, it happens), blood bubbles and much more! Place all of these decorative items in vases or transparent salad bowls to surprise and scare the venerable people at the same time!
15. Ghosts Are Welcome Guests
In order to make such a guest, you will need 20 meters of gauze, a piece of black fabric and threads of white and black colours. Wind the cheesecloth around the balloon – this will be a kind of ghost head. The gauze should be slightly longer than your desk.
Cut out the eyes and mouth in the form of circles from black material and sew with black threads to a kind of head. Also form the ghost arms, spread to the sides, with the help of threads. Done! Here is such a mysterious guest came to the light.
16. Orange Balls – Analogues of Pumpkins
Pumpkins as decor can be safely placed on the table, but the walls around can be decorated with orange balloons. Equip yourself with a black marker to draw a make-up for these round heads and use regular double-sided tape to secure them in the party room!
17. “All-seeing” Ping-pong Balls
Another relatively inexpensive, but effective way to scare guests beautifully is to put ping-pong balls in a transparent vase, having previously drawn pupils on them. Such “eyeballs” can be presented to the guests of the party in memory of the mystical evening spent.
And do not forget to post a photo of your Halloween table decor to once again show off your talents and work to your friends, friends and followers!
18. Decorative Candlesticks From Jars
If you have old, dusty litre jars in your closet, do not rush to wash and rub them. The effect of “aged brutality” is only welcome! The jars can be painted with old nail polish, acrylic paints, or gouache. In such improvised candlesticks, it will not be scary to leave a burning candle while you entertain guests.
19. Bats on Glasses
They can be cut out of regular black cardboard and placed on the edges of the glasses. Such fascinating applications can be cut with the children, or even better – entrust them with this task. And free up time for your activities, and you can keep your children busy, who are waiting for Halloween and preparing for it with great passion!
20. Throw a Masquerade Party
Halloween party cannot be complete without costumes. When inviting friends, be sure to inform them about the appropriate dress code. When, if not now, will you have the opportunity to be an insidious sorceress, a reckless ghost or a bloodthirsty vampire? If you meet your friends at the door in a witch costume, armed with a broom, then the glory of the entertaining mistress is guaranteed to you. Today in stores you can find a suit for almost every taste.
For those who love and know how to sew, making a Halloween costume will not be difficult. If you and your friends love minimalism, then it is not at all necessary to dress in bulky and complex costumes. Purchase or DIY matching masks. This is a fairly simple option, but it will immediately create a festive atmosphere.
21. Borrow Decorative Elements From Horror Movies
Don’t be afraid to use sinister decor elements. On another day it will be irrelevant and irrelevant. Brooms, torn fingers, bulging eyes – everything is in motion. On this day, you can let living creatures on the table: toy spiders, snakes and mice will perfectly fit into the interior. If you don’t like such extreme solutions on the dining table, then choose more laconic decor items. Spread the cobwebs on the table, decorate the glasses with dark ribbons.
As for the dishes, it is better to choose plates and glasses of dark shades without bright patterns, stripes, circles. If glasses, then glass goblets, if plates, then massive containers. The serving option also depends on the dish you are going to cook. So, you can put a mini-frying pan in front of each guest with a slice of pumpkin pie and appropriate decorations.
22. Very Scary Menu
“Halloween” is a mystical holiday. This should also apply to the menu. Typical autumnal ingredients that can be used to prepare meals are apples and pumpkin. Numerous sweets are prepared from the former. So, especially popular are apple caramel, apples in syrup with the addition of nuts, apple toffee. Bake cookies in the form of fingers, spiders, snakes.
Print out the menu for your sinister establishment. In order to come up with original variations of names, use all your imagination. For example, cider with severed heads (apples), graveyard pie with biscuit tombstones, puff pastry dessert in the form of intestines (raspberry jam pie). By the way, the institution can also get its name. Let it be “Witch’s Kitchen” or “Vampire’s Tavern”.

We are sure that with such serving and impressive decorations the evening will be a success. Let your friends remember him for a long time. Place a small present on each guest’s plate. A bag of sweets is perfect as a themed gift. It is customary to give them on this day. Visit the store and pay special attention to the marmalade stand. Today, you can find a large number of interesting options: snakes, false teeth, bulging eyes. Add dragees, nuts, dried fruits to the bag. And necessarily a small wish of happiness and good luck on a piece of the antique paper.
24. Decorative Napkins on the Table
Napkins. It is very important that they are not ordinary white, but at least orange. Ideally, you can generally buy them with the symbols of the holiday.
25. An Intriguing Gift for Every Guest
Presents. The highlight of the festive decor will be a small gift that will lie on the plate. You will first need to make decorated boxes in which to put candy or any other trifle. There will be no strong financial costs, but the festive mood will surely rise.
26. Monster’s Hand
And finally, bungle the gift “Monster’s Hand”. This is the option when you absolutely have no free time or desire, but the holiday treats must still be present. In this case, you can take regular gloves and put various sweets there.
27. Figurines
Above the table, you can hang figurines of black ravens, bats, skeletons, laughing witches or a cute ghost made of gauze.
Scatter gummy worms, edible beetles, spiders, some earth, bones and teeth on the table. Fill cellophane gloves with all sorts of goodies and place them on each plate for guests to have personalized treats (gloves can be filled with popcorn, M & M’s, candy, nuts, and other sweet stuff that isn’t good for teeth). You can trust skeletons, zombies, witches, vampires or other evil spirits to keep cutlery.
28. Tableware and Cutlery
For drinks on Halloween, goblets or goblets imitating antiquity are suitable, from which Count Dracula himself seemed to be drinking. The drinks themselves can be poured from the magic cauldron or the fondue can be decorated accordingly and various snacks in the form of dark forces can be dipped into its red, green or yellow contents. It is better to take old plates too, with splinters or tin.
29. Lighting
Candles are another must-have Halloween attribute. They, like pumpkins, should be everywhere. It is better to choose candles old, dark, leaked, crooked, broken. Instead of candles, build lanterns or candlesticks from bottles and cans. Don’t forget to draw scary faces on them.
30. Dishes
The food should be decorated in a Halloween style. You should not limit yourself to anything and you should approach the design of the dish thoroughly. Halloween menus and recipes can be gleaned from the internet, but you will definitely need food colouring, mayonnaise, chocolate, cheese, and ketchup. With their help, you can give a frightening look to any dish.
If you remember the traditions of the ancient Romans on Halloween, they had an apple (a symbol of fertility and favour of the goddess Pomona). You can do anything with the fruit – bake it or dip it in some topping (chocolate, for example).
31. “Sinister” Tablecloth
Table setting starts with choosing a tablecloth. Try to predominantly decorate your decor in traditional Halloween colours – black and orange. Interestingly, black symbolizes dark forces and darkness, while orange represents a rich harvest. It’s not for nothing that the main symbol of the holiday, the pumpkin, is orange. Yes, as for the tablecloth … There are several interesting design options.
32. Spider Web Paradise
Take a plain black tablecloth. Using gouache, if you plan to immediately throw out the tablecloth after the holiday, or special paints on the fabric, if the accessory will be used more than once, draw a white spider web. If you make sure that the centre of the web is in the centre of the table, then you can put a spider made by yourself on it.
33. Viscous Swamp
It is very easy to create a real frightening swamp on the table. If you have a white cotton or linen tablecloth deep in your closet, then it’s time to get it. Prepare a special solution for staining: for this, according to the instructions, dilute the marsh green paint in water. Fold the tablecloth in any shape and soak it in the solution without unrolling. After that, sprinkle individual places with the same paint and dip again in water. In this way, you can create an imitation of a real swamp on the tablecloth. If you want to make your masterpiece even more effective, use red paint to create “blood trails”.
34. Seating Cards
Using seating cards is a very interesting option for how you can decorate the table for Halloween in an original way, as well as seat the guests as you see fit. There are many ways to design this kind of decor. We will consider the most original ones.
35. Invitations
You can make boarding passes for guests in the form of brooms or a skull, writing on each the name of the guest and a mystical prediction. You can make them in the form of an ancient parchment scroll with a bloody handprint or a personalized seal of Dracula.
Yes, something red that imitates blood can be sprinkled on the tablecloth. And do not forget about the abundance of knives stuck into someone’s lifeless body, located in the middle of the table (this can be a small fake or a symbolic cake).