The most iconic fireplace is, of course, the wood-burning masonry fireplace, as seen in the above living room. Wood-burning fireplaces provide the satisfying sizzle and pop, but require more maintenance and have more safety concerns than other styles of fireplaces.Gas fireplaces are simple to light compared to wood-burning fireplaces, requiring only the simple push of a button to get a roaring fire going–but running on natural gas can be taxing on the wallet.
When I think of a fireplace, I think of an open hearth, with nothing between me and the flames but air. But this isn’t the only option. Many homeowners opt for an enclosed fireplace–that is, a fireplace that keeps the flames behind glass. Enclosing the flames not only makes the fireplace safer, it allows designers to place fireplaces in spots other than against a wall. This collection presents a varied selection of both iconic masonry fireplaces and glass-enclosed gas fireplaces–but all the spaces have one very important detail in common: the mesmerizing flames that chase the cold away.
Living Room Designs With Fireplace