To save your money, check out some ideas for saving at home, saving energy and also helping the planet. These are ideas so basic that we sometimes forget, but they are super important right now when we are at home due to the COVID-19 quarantine.
Open the fridge only once
To save money at home, before cooking, remove all ingredients from the refrigerator. Avoid the open and close of the refrigerator every time you need an onion, a carrot, a glass of milk or anything else.
Use only rechargeable batteries
It is true that they are expensive, but when used in the medium and long term they pay for themselves with a lot of profit and help to save at home. They last for years and can be recharged an average of 1000 times.
Replace your incandescent light bulbs with led
Fluorescent lamps use 80% more energy than a LED lamp. Thus, you will save 136 kilos of carbon dioxide annually and will save at home, which can be seen in the electricity bill.
Use the washing machine at full capacity
If you really need to use the washing machine at half capacity, select the lowest water consumption modes. If you use a dishwasher, it is not necessary to use the full cycle for lightly soiled dishes and cutlery, the short cycle serves perfectly and helps you save at home, after all it is proven that washing dishes in the machine saves water compared to washing dishes at the sink.
Immediately remove the laundry from the machine
Clothes left in the washing machine are very wrinkled, requiring a lot more work and time to iron and thus consuming a lot more electricity. You can save over 300 pounds of carbon dioxide if you hang your clothes for half the year instead of using the dryer.
Use less of everything
Maybe you are literally throwing money down the drain? Note the amount of water you use to shower or wash dishes. Do you really need that much shampoo to wash your head? Just don’t overdo this type of economy.
Shop at home
Plan the menu before going to the supermarket and buy it at home. Check items available in the pantry, fridge, freezer and plan the menu accordingly. Reuse leftovers as a filling in pies, tapiocas or omelets. Make the most of items that are already at home to save money.