Discover 40 creative mug designs that will make you fall in love!
Anyone who likes cups and mugs knows that they are much more than simple objects for drinking coffee or any other beverage. Creative and unusual models become fantastic decorative pieces that you will want to own and collect!
The mugs can be used in everyday life to add more charm to the moment of that coffee or also be part of the decoration of the environment, with different models that can be displayed on shelves and mug holders on the wall .
Brought an amazing list of creative mugs, the collectors love, gives a peek!
1- Creative and functional mugs
Playing with the design of the mugs is the secret to success to conquer the public.
A good idea is to take advantage of the mug design itself to add other functions, such as having a space to put a donut or cookies that go very well with latte, chocolate and that tasty cappuccino.
The format and images engraved on the mugs can be a very interesting differential in the decoration . A simple detail makes all the difference, such as simulating in a fun way the marks left by the use of the mug or designing a different format.
2- Donuts Mug – Coffee calls for donuts!
How about a donut at breakfast? Your mugs will look beautiful in the shape of traditional American donuts!
3- Cookie mug
Combining the pleasant with the…pleasant! Nothing better than a hot drink accompanied by cookies, right? With these mugs you can have both in the same place!
4- Mug with cookie pocket
Why do only one thing when you can do two ? This design follows the same 2-in-1 line, even having a pocket for placing the biscuit. Very practical, isn’t it?
5- London Bus Mug
London can be part of your decor through the London Bus mug.
To travel in all flavors! For adventurers and tourists around the world , a great decoration tip are the mugs that remind you of attractions and sights. Bring places and memories closer to you with personalized mugs . Like, for example, through a typically English bus
6 – Telephone Booth Mug
Caring for what really matters! English phone booths can also be part of your collection, making a beautiful set of mugs next to the London Bus!
7 – Tower of Pisa Mug
For those in love with Italy! The famous Tower of Pisa and all its inclination will be charming in its decoration!
8 – World Map Mug
Passionate about Italy and the whole world! For those who dream of getting to know the whole world, this mug can be a good reference. By painting the countries you’ve already visited with pen, you can plan and be inspired by the places you want to visit.
Organize your travel schedule with a world map mug, marking the places you’ve been and still dream of visiting!
9 – Pepper Mug
How about having a special mug for a pepper shaker?
To have your own mini garden! In addition to being household items and beautiful decorative objects, the mugs can fulfill another super cool function: vases for flowers , fruits and vegetables .
The pepper it is a fruit that can be grown in pots in a very simple way. Get out of the traditional, innovate!
10 – Colored mugs
Little luxury and a lot of beauty using common colored mugs!
Color always brings more life and joy to the place, doesn’t it? Even if the pieces are simple, the right color composition makes a difference. This is the case with this beautiful collection of colorful mugs used to plant flowers and succulents .
With the simplicity and beauty of the mugs, the plants gained even more charm!
11 – Mug with Strainer
Straining the coffee at the time is one of the tastiest ways to consume the drink. You can almost smell it, right?
To have fresh coffee all the time! Simplicity reminds common customs of the past with that tranquility and peace, doesn’t it? To represent this well, nothing better than a freshly brewed coffee directly in the mug.
And, between us, simple habits are the best!
12 – Retro Mug
Old but gold: retro is on the rise! A grace, isn’t it?
Often you don’t need a very bold design to have a beautiful decoration! It all depends on your style! The vintage is a trend that, although refers to the past, is increasingly present!
13 – Medieval Mug
From vintage to the Middle Ages: a journey through time represented in amazing mugs!
For those who love antiques a LOT! In times of series like Game of Thrones , Vikings and others that seem to portray a distant universe, medieval mugs captivate and conquer people’s curiosity.
14 – Star Wars Mug – Star Wars
Geeks and lovers of futuristic projections will fall in love with character mugs like sandtroopers, from the Star Wars saga.
Just as those who like the past, there are those who are dazzled by the future and the fantastic world of science fiction and modern and futuristic scripts!
15 – Mario Bros Mug
For the gamers on duty! Mugs with video game characters are the perfect gift idea for gamers.
16 – Lego Mug
Put your head to work creating whatever you want with lego mugs!
A mug to play with lego is a fun and creative option for those who enjoy other types of games outside the computer screen. In addition to being super interesting, the mugs stimulate the freedom of creation and the imagination of those who like to create!
17 – Emoji Mug
Give that friend who is always dying of sleep with a mug that is just like him!
For sleepy Internet users before breakfast ! If the preference is social networks instead of games, the decoration with mugs takes on a fun and very expressive tone with the use of emojis or emoticons. For example, through the special sleepy face for that difficult time of waking up and getting out of bed:
18 – Emoji Mug 2
And for happy internet users after breakfast ! And the smiling emoji for moments of pure joy. The happy emoticon mug puts anyone in a good mood, doesn’t it?
19 – Sleepiness Level Mug
Sorting sleep in a fun way ! But for those who want to summarize emotions according to sleep intensity in one place, the mug describing sleepiness levels is all you need!
Irreverent and creative, the mug classifies sleep intensity according to the amount of coffee placed.
20 – Mickey Mug
To a fantasy world ! For those who, even without sleep, live in a fantasy world like Walt Disney’s magical universe , the characters’ mugs are a true dream come true. Starting, obviously, with Mickey Mouse , the greatest Disney classic!
For so-called Disney lovers, having a Mickey mug in the collection is essential
21 – Mug Beauty and the Beast
Zip has been popular with the public since the classic A Bela ea Fera, shown in 1991
To always have Zip’s cuteness around! Another Disney classic , Beauty and the Beast , cannot be missing, even more so now that the animation has gained a live action version with excellent reviews around the world.
Anyone who knows the film is immediately enchanted by Zip , a character represented by a small cup that is very cute! And now you can have at home:
22 – Mafalda Mug
Comic book fan? Outstanding characters from magazines and comic books can be stamped on your mugs!
For those who like characters! If your beach is the universe of cartoons , animations , comics , movies and series, the mugs are a full plate for you! They are pieces of styles and formats of the most varied characters, from good guys to villains, loved and hated.
Straight from comics to the fantastic world of mugs , Mafalda will fill your collection with charm!
23 – Harry Potter Magic Mug
Doing wandless magic! The heat of the liquid modifies the image of the mug as the hot drink is added, giving rise to the Marauder’s Map. And fans of the Harry Potter saga go wild! Some iconic characters from the history of books and movies may come to you with mugs that surprise and impress.
This is the case of the magic mug of Harry Potter , one of the most famous wizards of all times, which has marked a whole generation of children and teenagers. Changing the temperature from cold to hot changes the image stamped on the mug. It’s as if, magically, the object is transformed! Who doesn’t like to drink coffee like that, right?
24 – The Walking Dead Magic Mug
For series fanatics , such as The Walking Dead , the magic mugs follow the same line, making images appear instantly only with the heat of temperature. For those who like suspense!
Thriller, drama, action, detective, epic and other genres have a huge and incredible variety of decorative mugs for the delight of fans, which faithfully accompany each episode.
25 – Mug – The Lord of the Rings
Saving what is precious! Epoch-making movies like the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy can be well represented on custom mugs!
26 – Barrel Mug
For those who like to store drinks … or simply love Chaves! It’s impossible not to remember Chaves with this beautiful mug in the shape of a wooden barrel!
27 – Tree Trunk Mug
Speaking of barrels and wood , how about this model resembling a piece of tree? A great way to remember and appreciate nature! Mugs are reminiscent of natural wood and add a rustic touch to the decor.
28 – Kittens Mug
To have your pets always around! Whoever has a cat will love to see their pussy represented in beautiful mugs!
You can’t talk about nature without talking about animals , right? Having our comrades honored in mugs that we take everywhere is a way to have them always by our side at any time.
29 – Puppy Mug
Show all your love for your pet in amazing mugs!
Dog owners know they are even tighter than felines and like to be around at all times! Be faithful and show all that love with mugs that are just like your dog !
30 – Raccoon Mug
Honoring nature and animals! Show your respect and affection for animals with a collection of cute mugs!
31 – Fondue Mug
Enjoying the best of cold days! Enjoy the winter making fondue in mugs suitable for these programs. And in this climate of love , we enter a theme beyond romantic! Mugs for couples and for enjoying moments of affection are not lacking, such as this specific fondue mug model .
On these cold days that are coming, a good tip is to make a good fondue with friends or with that pleasant company!
32 – Clutched Mug
Super romantic mugs to cuddle up with your love at all times! But if the case is more than just being with friends, this pair of mugs is ideal to share with that special someone.
33 – Guitar Mug
Build your mug collection with the instruments of your choice. Romanticism inspires music! If you’re into that musical style and like a good soundtrack, it’s time to get inspired with these amazing mug models!
34 – Loudspeaker Mug
To adjust the frequencies just right. Carry your passion for music into amazing decorative mugs!
35 – Photo Camera Mug
Photographer by vocation is not without a camera, right? Even if it’s a super creative mug!
Recording every moment. But if your great love is your profession, rest assured, you can express all your feelings in a very special decoration of mugs!
36 – Police Station Mug
Always guarding what matters. Photographer, journalist, doctor, police officer…show your love for your profession.
37 – Firefighters Mug
For hot drinks! How about putting that hot coffee in hydrants? Too creative.
38 – Excavator Mug
For those in love with construction…and the unusual. Definitely, creativity has no limits in the world of mugs!
39 – Kombi Mug
Create to inspire! The Kombi has inspired generations for years and years, and now it gets all the credits in fantastic mugs! Do you like vans and old cars? Now you can have one on the shelf at home!
40 – Golf Club Mug
Unusual mug models are not lacking. For the sporty and curious, this mug is pure fun. Creative mugs to decorate and collect. Drinking and playing at the same time? Yes, yes! It’s a lot of good stuff, right? Build your collection and customize your decor with mugs your way!
But, you can’t have a collection like that and keep it hidden in cabinets with closed doors under lock and key, right? Who is crazy about mugs knows that what is beautiful is to show.
To help with this task of displaying and organizing this entire collection, we have brought different models of mug holders and shelves that will enhance these gems even more, take a look!