The exterior of the house is as important as each room that compose it, so having it well presented, good-looking, and with a good combination of colors, is the letter of introduction for the rest of the house. There are several options to choose from, here we will leave some examples and ideas of exterior colors, so you can see and choose the palette that you like the most.
The possibilities are endless, there are many beautiful colors to paint a house on the outside. The exterior painting is the combination of a whole and not simply the wall, one must carefully meditate, imagine it, project it and then finally paint it, so that that letter of presentation of the house, makes a very good impression on the visitor.
1- White
White and brown
White and grey`
Black and white
2- Beige
Sand and gray. Different shades of gray combined with pale beige, it is a palette that never fails when you want to achieve an elegant and classic facade.
Sand and white. The cream and white color of the facade are beautifully complemented by the light blue of the door.
Beige and brown. A modern and minimalist facade is enhanced by the two-tone palette of brown and beige. Brown has been used to highlight the architectural details of the house.
This house was painted sand, and a darker shade has been used to highlight details such as windows and columns.
Beige and blue. It is another of the most elegant combinations that can be used outdoors.
3- Gray
Gray and white
Gray and black. The recommendation is that you use latex paint, which is more resistant to sun and rain. Another type of paint can quickly fade and flake easily.
Gray and wood
Shades of gray
4- Brown
Brown and red
Brown and gray
Brown and sand
Brown and green
Brown and white
Brown and sand yellow
5- Yellow
Yellow and white. White accents on the windows help make the yellow look very fresh and bright.
Yellow and brown. The mustard yellow tone of this house, combined with brown details, manages to contrast with the green of the garden, enhancing all the colors.
Yellow and gray
Two shades of yellow
6- Green
Shades of green. When we talk about painting the house in a monochromatic way, many times we believe that it will be only one color. Different shades of the same color can be used.
In addition, it should not be forgotten that there are various elements such as the garden, roof, as well as the landscape that surrounds the house, be it a field, the beach or a building, which contribute the diversity of color to the overall image.
There are four colors that are used very regularly when it comes to painting the exterior of the house in various shades of a single color, these are: yellow (gives warmth), green (gives tranquility and rusticity), blue (depending on the tone, the sensation it gives) and pink, which is used a lot and not only in houses where women predominate, has a lot of acceptance at a general level.
But green can also be combined with other colors, such as black, gray, white or brown.
7- Blue
A widely used option is the monochromatic color, that is, using the same color in different shades. No matter what color you like, generally the lightest tone is used for the vast majority of the surface, such as walls or walls, and the darkest tone for the contours and details, such as cornices, frames, doors, bars. The other typical combinations are based on complementary colors, triadic or adjacent colors,
8- Pinkish
Pink and green
9- Orange
10 -Purple
We personally have three combinations of exterior colors that we are passionate about and they are, yellow with gray finishes, or white. As well as white with dark gray finishes. But obviously the choice of colors is something very personal.